Jag är inte så inne på dessa kedjebrevsliknande taggningar & listor. Får mest bara flashbacks till Skunk, störiga applications på facebook & liknande digitala ungdomstrender. Men jag gör ett undantag för min kära Emma.
I'm not into these chain letterish tags & lists. They only give me flashbacks of Skunk (swedish community), annoying applications on facebook & similar digital youth orientated trends. But i'll make a exception for my dear Emma.
Emma tagged me and she told me the rules:
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people (well, I broke that rule I’m afraid)
What is your current obsession?
threadless.com, Film Noir & We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It!!
What are you wearing right now?
Gray socks, gray jeans, Tiger Army-tee and black/white underwear.
Do you nap a lot?
Not really but sadly, unintentionally, if I watch a movie too late in the evening.
Who was the last person you hugged?
Erik aka Kinski, i think. He's a great hugger.
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
Easy. An Oak.
What's for dinner?
Went with Staffan and had an absolutly ace Cheddar Veggieburger with steak fries att Tusen och 2. Tasssty!
What was the last thing you bought?
Food but before that, two used LP's. One amazing childrens record from the 60's called Happy Birthday - 27 songs for fun and frolic and a Holly and the Italians record oh and Ebba & Didrik on dvd. Cheap too.
What are you listening to right now?
Just silence actually and the humming from my old computer.
What is your favorite weather?
Foggy mornings & late summer eve's.
What would you name your son and/or daughter?
Boy: Benjamin, Maximilian or Edgar. Girl: Ylva or Christina.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you.
Favourite vacation spot?
I usually don't go on vacation but if i have to choose I'd choose the countryside or a mighty forest somewhere.
Name SOME of the things you can't live without.
Friends & Music basically. And my own two hands.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
My mothers warm hands.
If you transformed into a famous person of the opposite sex – then, who would you like to be?
Someone young and cute who has tons of fun. French artist Yelle perhaps?
What is your favourite tea flavour?
Apple & Cinnamon or Chai.
What would you like to get rid of?
Most of my worldly possessions, but I'm too chicken to do it and i would probably regret it.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
I think would go to my old friend Maria who lives in NYC or maybe the easter islands.
Who would you like to get stuck in a lift with?
Nightcrawler or why not the future love of my life?
I tag:
Samuel, Staffan, Sofia, Therese, Milla.
måndag 16 mars 2009
torsdag 12 mars 2009

Lägger till två nya länkar till min Bra Skit-lista. Det är hårkreatören & DJ-drottningen Johanna Knutssons två bloggar MorrisLess & Lifeloving. MoorrisLess är förresten en utmärkt blogg för alla er där ute som är trötta på er nuvarande frippa (OCH ett utmärkt bevis på Johannas talang) .
I'm adding two new links to my Bra Skit (Good Shit) list. It's hair artist & DJ extraordinaire Johanna Knutsson's two blogs MorrisLess & Lifeloveing. MorrisLess is by the way a excellent blog for all the people out there who's fed up with their current hairdos (AND a excellent display of Johannas talant).
onsdag 11 mars 2009
Det slog mig precis att jag var med i en diy Quit Your Dayjob-video förra året. Grabbarna frågade mig och jag sa, med mycket tvekan i rösten, "visst varför inte?". Tyvärr är dock min insats den sämsta av alla.
It just hit me that i starred in a diy Quit Your Dayjob-video last year. The guys asked me and i hesitantly said "sure why not?". My performance in the vid is unfortunately the worst though.
tisdag 3 mars 2009
dear diary

Torsdag 26/2
Dagen B, som i BOMP! Min käre vapendragare Erik aka Kinski aka Beatzcarraldo (sorry erik) fick tyvärr ställa in sin medverkan pga tråkiga omständigheter. Han har troligtvis gått och dragit på sig tinnitus eller någon dylik öronskada och vågade självklart inte riskera ytterligare komplikationer genom att vända plattor på ytterligare ett rowdy BOMP-gig.
Så "who you gonna call?".
Inte ghostbusters men väl Micke Stafrin (Charming Sitters m.m.). Han var en av de få som dök upp i skallen när jag funderade över vem i Malmö som kunde tackla den näst intill omöjliga uppgiften att vara stand-in för Dj Kinski. Eftersom detta är andra gången han gästar WPtB? så var han med på noterna och skötte sig exemplariskt.
Det bjöds bl.a på originalen till samplade hip hop-beats, sjukt svängiga La Horse & skruttiga men förtjusande 45'or. Jag körde mitt vanliga race ungefär men var lite extra nöjd över att jag fick med denna fuzzbomb i mitt set. Snart dags för en acid jazz revival kanske? Njaäaä.
På Metros annars så solnedgångsidylliska fondvägg projicerade vi under kvällen Frakie Avalon filmen Ski Party (1965). Den med the king of soul i lusefofta, omringad i en skidstuga av en colgateleende wiggermaffia, ni vet. Så bisarrt, så fel, så ace.
Fredag 27/2
Småbakis tog jag mig till galleri KRETS för att "vakta" deras (underbara) Shobo Shobo-utställning "Color Me". Tog med ett gäng vinyler och spelade, målade ett par döskallebyxor på en shobo shobo-gubbe (tog ca 35 minuter) och fick sen sällskap av Martina (som bjöd på chai latte ♥) och senare av Sofia.
På kvällen vankades det Yo Buffoons vs Drunken Majesty.
Först förfest på Rundgång med ett flakmoppelass punx + butikspersonalen. Dennis, Martina, David, Micke, Sara, Stina, DMP, Jona, Dispeter, Manuela m.fl m.fl. Sen fick jag helt ensam ta mig till Debban för att kolla in den amerikanska, lätt hysteriska, hip hop duon Yo Majesty.
Ok en kort anekdot: Hittade faktiskt Yo Majesty av en slump på myspace ca 2005 pga att de låg på något åttiotalshardcorebands kompislista. Gillade dem direkt. Ta en vrickad mix av skum elektro hip hop med post-punk vibbar & gangster rap attityd. Lägg där till feministiska texter och ni har något hyfsat unikt.
Väl inne på Debaser inser jag att jag inte känner en enda kotte på stället. Bara kids i XXL jackor blandat med flator i snygga hairdos så långt ögat nådde. Som tur var dök So Tough-Daniel & Sara Kokk helt plötsligt upp från ingenstans och gjorde kvällen så mycket mer angenäm. Trevligare sällskap kunde jag inte bett om. God bless them.
Yo Majesty körde ett kort set och bitchade mest över för låg medhörning. De hann dock att riva av några fina bitar som t.ex hitten Kryptonite Pussy. Men annars var det mest mycket väsen för ingenting.
Efter det skyndade vi oss iväg till Retro där Dennis klubb var i full gång. Med betoning på full eftersom det var Micke och Håkan i Drunken Buffoons som var gäst-dj's för kvällen. Sen dansades det hela natten till Chemical Brothers, East 17, Prodigy, Beastie Boys (303 knorrbas ftw!), L.A. Style, Leila K och annan sunkrolig 80's/90's galenskap.
Tog mig ensam (har för lite vänner som uppskattar en dos rockabilly en lördagseftermiddag tydligen) till biograf Spegeln för att se Music Doc's visning av nya Wanda Jackson-dokumentären "The Nice lady With the Nasty Voice". För mig som redan diggar Wanda var det en fantastiskt skön dokumentär men om jag skall vara objektiv så var den ganska standard i sitt utförande & led av alla de minus som en "hyllningsdokumentär" brukar lida av. En av de bästa scenerna är när Lemmy från Motörhead, som tydligen varit ett stort fan i många år, får träffa Wanda backstage innan en spelning på Amoeba Records i LA. Första gången någonsin jag sett den mannen starstruck, blyg & tafatt.
Jag, Samuel & Sofia samlades hemma hos Samuel innan vi skulle bege oss till två av helgens höjdpunkter. Först den efterlängtade spelningen med brooklyn-bandet O'Death på Debaser och sen vidare till Babel & Rundgång/Monotons stödfest för Rundgång.
O'Death som jag sett fram mot i flera månader var helt sagolika. Precis så som jag hade förväntat mig & lite till. Distad ukelele! Kedjor som trumstockar! Hissnande tempoväxlingar! Valstakt! Pixies cover! ("it feels extra good playing a pixies cover tonight, because we're at debaser" O'Death - Fritt tolkat/ihågkommet av mig.). Det märktes att de toknjöt av att spela framför malmöpubliken, som dansade som besatta & ropade in dem för extranummer två gånger (vilket i sin tur gjorde att jag missade både Sista Sekunden & Quit Your Dayjob på Babel darn it. Men det var det värt!).
Sen dans dans dans i (ovanligt många) goda vänners lag på Babel. Lätt snyggast klädd under kvällen? Fredrik aka NOS i sin Public Enemy & The Bomb Squad möter V möter en bil från "Pimp My Ride" (fan att jag inte har en bild på hans mäktiga kreation!).

Helgen avslutades på bästa tänkbara sätt. Såg, tillsammans med Johan & Li'l Buffoon-Håkan, musikdokumentären Anvil! The Story of Anvil på Music Doc som handlade just om det kanadensiska 80-talsmetalbandet Anvil och deras dröm om att fortfarande bli metalstjärnor trots gråa hår samt fru & barn. Vilken film. Vilka hjältar. Ja skrattade så jag grät, sen fastnade skrattet i halsen och jag grät lite till, sen skrattade jag ännu mer och när filmen var slut höjde vi alla våra nävar i triumf. Se den nu! Det kvittar om ni gillar hårdrock eller inte (men om ni dock har sett mockumentärklassikern Spinal Tap X antal gånger är det en liten bonus), det är mer en klassisk underdog story med ett extra stort hjärta och mängder av dråpligt komiska situationer.
Ok for once, i'm gonna freestyle a little bit about something other than my work or threadless (it has been a little bit of an overdose of that lately). Instead i thought i'd tell you about the most eventful (long) weekend i've had in a long time.
Thursday 26 / 2
Day B, as in the Bomp! My dear partner in crime Erik aka Kinski aka Beatzcarraldo (sorry bout that Erik) unfortunately had to pass this time because of sad circumstances. He has probably been affected by tinnitus or some other kind of ear injury and offcourse did not whant to risk further complications by spinning wax at a rowdy Bomp-gig.
So "who you gonna call?".
Not Ghostbusters, but Micke Stafrin (Charming Sitters mm). He was one of the few that came to mind when I thought about who in Malmö that could tackle the nearly impossible task of beeing stand-in for Dj Kinski. Since this is Micke's second time he is a stand-in at WPtB? he was good to go and executed his shit in a exemplary manner.
He treated us to a smorgasbord of originals of sampled hip hop beats, the slick groovy La Horse & rickety but delightful 45's. I did my usual bit, but was a little extra pleased that I worked this fuzz bomb in to my set. Is it too soon for a acid jazz revival perhaps? Naaaayyyeeah.
On Metro's otherwise idyllic sunset back wall we projected the Franky Avalon movie Ski Party (1965). You know the one with the king of soul in a ski sweater, surrounded in a ski cabin by a colgate-smiling wigger mafia. So bizarre, so wrong, so ace.
Friday 27 / 2
Slightly hung over I crawled to gallery KRETS, to "guard" their (wonderful) Shobo Shobo-exhibition "Color Me". Took a bunch of vinyls with me that i played, painted a pair of skull pants on a shobo shobo-character (took about 35 minutes) and was then joined by Martina (who offered a chai latte ♥) and after that by my friend Sofia.
The evening offered a unholy mix of Yo Buffoons vs Drunken Majesty.
First of a preparty at the Rundgång-record store with a boat load of punx + the store staff. Dennis, Martin, David, Mike, Sara, Stina, DMP, Jona, Dispeter, Manuela and so on. After that I went, completely alone, to Debban to check out the american, slightly hysterical, hip hop duo Yo Majesty.
Ok a brief anecdote: I actually stumbled upon Yo Majesty by chance on myspace in about 2005, mostly because they were on some eighties hardcore punk band's top friend list. I liked them instantly. Take a twisted mix of left field electro hip hop and a post-punk vibe & ad some almost gangster rap attitude. Add some feminist lyrics in the mix, and you have something pretty unique.
Once at Debaser, I realized that I did not know a single one in the club. Only kids in XXL jackets mixed with dykes in lovely hairdos as far as my eye could reach. Fortunately "So Tough-Daniel" & Sara Kokk suddenly came from out of nowhere and made the evening so much more pleasant. Great company, I could not have asked for better. God bless.
Yo Majesty did a short set and bitched mostly about too low volume in their monitors. They did, however, fire up some fine ass tunes such as Kryptonite Pussy. But otherwise it was mostely a case of "empty barrels" making a lot of noise.
After that, we hurried off to Retro where Dennis club was in full swing. With an emphasis on full as it was Micke and Håkan in Drunken Buffoons who was guest-dj's for the evening (that was a swedish pun, untranslateble, sorry). Then it was all about dancing all night long to the Chemical Brothers, East 17, Prodigy, Beastie Boys (303 knorrbas ftw!), LA Style, Leila K and similar grungy 80's / 90's madness.
28 / 2
I went alone (I do not have enough friends who appreciate a dose of emacepated rockabilly on a Saturday afternoon, apparently) to cinema Spegeln to see the Music Doc filmfestival's screening of the new Wanda Jackson documentary "The Nice Lady With the Nasty Voice." To me, already down with Wanda, it was a wonderful documentary. But if I must be objective, it was fairly standard in its execution & suffered all the errors of a standard "tribute documentary". One of the best scenes in it is when Lemmy from Motörhead, who's apparently been a big fan for many years, meets Wanda backstage before a gig at Amoeba Records in LA. That's the first time ever I've seen that man star truck, shy and timid.
After that I, Samuel & Sofia gathered at the home of Samuel before we would go to two of that weekend's highlights. First, the long awaited gig with brooklyn band O'Death at Debaser and then after that on to club Babel and Rundgång's/Monoton's support event for Rundgång.
I've been looking forward to O'Death for months and the were absolutely fabulous. Just as I had expected & the some! Distorted ukelele! Chains as drumsticks! Dizzying tempo changes! Whals beats! Pixies cover! ( "it feels extra good doing a Pixies cover tonight, because we're at Debaser" O'Death - Free interpreted / remembered by me.).
It was highly noticeable that they loved playing in front of the malmö audience. Dancing like obsessed & applauding them back upon the stage twice for encores (which in my turn meant that I missed both bands, Sista Sekunden & Quit Your Dayjob, at Babel darn it. But it was worth it! ).
Then after that dance dance dancing in the presence of (unusually many) good friends at Babel. The award for best dressed at Babel that evening? Fredrik aka NOS in his Public Enemy & The Bomb Squad meets Visitors meets a car from "Pimp My Ride" outfit (I sooo wish i had a picture of him in that great creation!).
29 / 2
The weekend ended in the best possible manner. I saw, together with Johan & Li'l Buffoon-Håkan, the music documentary "Anvil! The Story of Anvil" at the Music Doc Festival. As the title inclines It's about Canadian 80's metal band Anvil and their dream to still become metal stars despite their now grayening hairs and family situations. What a film! Such heroes! I laughed till I cried, then choked on the laughter and I cried a bit for real, then I laughed even more and when the movie was over we all raised our fists in triumph. Go see it now! It does'nt matter if you like hard rock/metal or not (but however if you've seen the mockumentary classic Spinal Tap a number of times it's a slight pro) because it is more of a classic Underdog story with an huge heart and lots of hilarious comic situations.
måndag 2 mars 2009
trägen vinner...?

Trots att mina förra förslag till Threadless, av någon osmaklig anledning, inte fick så höga betyg så kör jag vidare. Har tusentals idéer i skallen som bara vill ut ut ut. Rösta sen när det går, om ni gillar't.
Although my last designs to Threadless, for some tasteless reason, did not receive any high ratings I still won't give up. I have thousands of ideas inside my skull that just want to get out out out. Vote when possible, if you dig it.
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